According to Gotama Buddha, After he ascented to Nirvana, the 2 Buddhisvathvas would be in the trillions....of Universes salvaging suffering beings would Be :
1. Guan Yin -- The Goddess of Mercy
2. Ti Chang -- The Mines of Earth
Where Guan Yin Vow that if there is a voice of Suffering she would be there to free them from suffering..
Where Ti Chang Vow that if the Hells are not distroyed He would never become Buddha!!
I would share with you all the story on these...
The Mantra is Romanised Pali for you to Chant.
Guan Yin Prayer
奉请观音大悲咒, 救渡众生无尽期。
左手取来功德水, 右手提着杨柳枝。
头顶顶载牟尼仪, 心里诚念陀罗尼。
古佛再来观世音, 千手千眼陀罗尼。
赐我神通智圆满, 赐我行得善方便。
赐我速得富庶种, 赐我除去一切厄。
赐我了断诸苦难, 赐我速住无为舍。
赐我了脱生死业, 赐我觅得智慧根。
赐我速登般若船, 赐我力证涅磐真。
古佛再来观世音, 千手千眼陀罗尼。
有人念得观音咒, 一切灾殃尽消散。
弟子念得观音咒。 刀山劫煞尽自撤。
火海自息化莲池 ,冤家仇敌化善友。
官非伽仗得平伸, 是非邪秽永不侵。
一切诸魔皆降服, 饥俄贫穷化富足。
家眷和谐大和气, 身心康泰勤精进。
心想事成大欢喜, 金银财宝满盈盈。
古佛再来观世音, 千手千眼陀罗尼。
弟子念得观音咒, 地狱自化为净土。
修罗自悟自调伏, 饿鬼自填自饱满。
蓬莱山,西海岸, 普陀山,洛伽洞,
梵音洞,潮音洞, 不肯去,紫竹林,
五方五土观世音, 五湖四海观世音,
虚无飘缈观世音, 虚空藏中观世音,
小千世界观世音, 中千世界观世音,
大千世界观世音, 三千大千观世音,
速来授手,救苦救难, 人佛一心,
人离难, 难离身, 苦离心,
Chedi, Chedi, Chedi,
Parami Buddho Chedi,
Parami Dhammo Chedi,
Parami Sangkho Chedi,
Arahan Samma SamBhuddho Bagava,
Buddham Bhagavadha Abiva Demiv,
Suvagato Bhagavadha Dhammo,
Dhammong Namacami,
Supati Panno Bhagavadho,
Saravaka Sangkho,
Sangang Namami.
Satu Satu Satu!!!!!!
The English Translation would be follow on my future posting
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